Teeth whitening has been one of the most popular methods for the last few decades. People with yellow teeth switch towards this process in order to enhance their smile and boost confidence. But why do teeth become sensitive after the whitening process? What to do for pain after teeth whitening? These are the questions that are overwhelming in our minds. This guide will discuss all of your queries that clear your mind about tooth sensitivity reasons, along with solutions. Let’s start to delve into the search query: What to do for pain after teeth whitening?
What To Do For Pain After Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is a common procedure that is done to turn the yellow tooth color into white. But after teeth whitening, many of us feel pain and want relief as soon as possible. Below, we have mentioned some strategies that can assist in relieving the pain after the teeth whitening process.
1. Use Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste
This is one of the best toothpaste that helps relieve the pain of tooth sensitivity. Its natural component acts as the barrier between the gums and pain. This bridge saves the nerve from any pain that is mild or severe. Therefore, it is best to use this toothpaste for at least two weeks before going through the teeth whitening process. It is important to know that you may not get results instantly. Consequences appear after some time. Furthermore, consult your doctor about which type of toothpaste is best for your white pearls.
2. It is Best To Avoid Hot And Cold Drinks
Hot and cold beverages can increase the sensitivity after the whitening process. Because your nerves are not in a situation that can bear the hot and cold temperatures. If you drink hot or cold drinks, then your white pearls may contract or expand slightly, and that becomes the reason for the pain. So, to avoid tooth sensitivity pain, drink plenty of water whose temperature is equal to room temperature. Water can also help to remove tooth stains that occur during the whitening procedure.
3. Rinse Your Mouth With Salt Water
If you feel any pain, then it is best to rinse your mouth with salt water. This water helps to kill bacteria and germs that cause pain. This water also reduces the inflammation. So, mix one tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of water and mix it well for a second. After this, use the mixture to rinse your mouth.
4. Always Use a Soft-Bristle Toothbrush
The toothbrush also plays an important role in the relief of pain. A toothbrush with soft bristles can gently clean your white pearls. Meanwhile, a hard bristle toothbrush can increase pain and cause gum bleeding.
5. Use a Sensitive Gel
After using teeth whitening products or strips, It is important to address tooth sensitivity. Different types of sensitivity gels offer a great solution to the problem in such situations. These sensitive gels contain desensitizing agents designed to numb the nerves in your teeth, alleviating pain and discomfort associated with sensitivity. So, consult your doctor, and they will suggest the best tooth-sensitive gel.
It is very easy to apply the sensitive gel in an affected area. So, the application of sensitivity gel is straightforward: simply apply a small amount to your teeth as directed, usually for a few minutes. It’s important not to overuse the gel; strict adherence to the instructions is essential for optimal results.
In addition to sensitivity gels, fluoride proves to be effective in reducing sensitivity. In different dental practices, dentists recommend fluoride when patients require more substantial relief from tooth sensitivity arising from the whitening process. A fluoride varnish, professionally applied in the dental office, can provide lasting effectiveness for 4-6 months. This additional step helps enhance the overall dental experience by mitigating discomfort associated with teeth whitening, ensuring a more pleasant and effective process.
Final Words: What To Do For Pain After Teeth Whitening?
Many strategies can be used for the removal of pain after a whitening procedure. It is good to avoid acidic food and beverages after the teeth whitening process. You can also use a mouth guard for sensitivity. Some may recommend using coconut oil in order to relieve pain. All of these methods can improve tooth pain.