Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Unemployment insurance (UI) is commonly known as unemployment benefits. This insurance is provided by the state and individuals can benefit from it. The state pays a certain amount of money to people on weekly basis. Once the citizen loses their job it is the time when they are eligible for getting this insurance on certain requirements. If you are not eligible for getting unemployment insurance, you may be fired. However, some choose to quit voluntarily. When a person isn’t at fault but has a lack of work due to any reason, will be fit for getting this insurance.
What Is The Meaning Of Unemployment Insurance?
Unemployment insurance (UI) is a certain amount of money offered to a jobless person. If you lose a job but are not at fault it will help you qualify for this insurance. UI offers an easy way for people to look for a job even after they are fired from one company. However, if you quit a job yourself or are fired due to misconduct you cannot apply for this insurance.
Some people are not happy with the intolerable working conditions and quit their job. In this case, you are eligible to get UI even when you quit yourself. Although the amount isn’t full-check it allows you to take care of financial expenses till you find a new job.
Generally, the payment benefits are based on the total percentage of your earnings over a 52 working period. If you are planning to get any benefit from federal and state income taxes, it must be reported properly.
Are You Eligible To Get Unemployment Insurance?
Each state has different rules and guidelines while dealing with the eligibility for UI benefits. However, you can qualify under the following conditions:
- If you are unemployed due to no fault of yours.
- When you quit your last job due to lack of work
- Your job doesn’t meet the right working conditions and wage requirements
- If you want to remain eligible for getting this insurance, this is what you need to know:
- A person who has lost his/her job must file weekly and monthly claims. You can do it easily through a phone or email
- You are actively seeking new work during this time
- It is necessary to report which jobs you are declining and why
- Some states allow you to look for a new job with the help of a designated person provided by them
- If you have left the job due to unfavorable working condition
How Can You Apply?
If you want to receive the benefit of unemployment insurance, it is necessary to file a claim. This file will be submitted to the state where you currently work. You should immediately get in touch with the IU program of your state when unemployed.
It is easy to file a claim with an email or phone call. If you are working or have worked in various states, the rules may differ. When you are filing a claim make sure you put in your correct information. It must include your name, phone number, and address.
Make sure that your UI isn’t delayed and this is why giving the right details is very much necessary. Many states require you to wait for one week before you receive your first payment. You can easily get your first payment in the second week of unemployment claims. If you don’t have a genuine reason to apply for this insurance, your application will not get accepted.
Read More: Seasonal Unemployment: Definition, Causes & Effects
What If You Are Denied?
You need to understand the IU program of each state before concluding. When you have unemployment insurance it helps to take care of your expenses. While you are finding a new job you can rely on this income. The eligibility of the worker will come in handy for getting some benefits.
There can be a lot of reasons for a denied claim. Usually, the rules of obtaining this insurance are challenging. If there is a problem with your claim, it will be difficult to get a UI. Some of the most common factors of a denied application include:
- If you are leaving your work voluntarily without any proper reason
- When you are fired from a job due to inappropriate behavior
- Misconduct at the workplace that includes an uncontrolled act or failure to do sufficient work
- You must be actively looking for new work and be ready to accept the challenges
- If you are making false statements to obtain the benefits of payments