Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper)Members of the European Parliament and EU member states delegations have reached an agreement on the EU budget for 2023. The size of the budget is EUR 186 billion. The announcement was made by Czech Deputy Minister of Finances Jiří Georgiev today.
The EU plans to spend more money on the transition to green energy and overcoming the consequences of the war in Ukraine. The agreement was reached late at night on 15 November (Tuesday morning – Latvian time). Had this agreement not been made by midnight, the European Commission would have had to submit a new budget project.
On this topic, Brussels Morning talked to EPP Group spokesman on Budgets José Manuel Fernandes MEP he noted that we have agreed on a powerful EU budget for 2023 with an increase of EUR 687,3 million dedicated to the European Parliament’s priorities on top of the draft estimates.
The MEP underlined that the EU budgets can help to alleviate the worst impact of crises by investing in people, businesses, and communities.

“However, a far greater challenge lies ahead of us with regard to the EU’s long-term budget, the Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). The 2021-2027 MFF desperately needs a thorough revision as it is no longer fit for purpose. We urgently need to begin that work”, warned MEP Fernandes.