France and UK commemorate Remembrance Day
Brussels (Brussels Morning) France and the UK honoured fallen WWI soldiers on Remembrance Day, with French President Emmanuel Macron and ...
Brussels (Brussels Morning) France and the UK honoured fallen WWI soldiers on Remembrance Day, with French President Emmanuel Macron and ...
London (Brussels Morning) Some political opponents will tell you exactly where they stand. Former Brexit Party visionary Nigel Farage, for instance, ...
The UK prime minister has agreed to keep domestic human rights legislation intact as the UK moves closer to firming ...
Britain and the UE made strides yesterday, coming to mutual terms on social security rights for EU and UK citizens ...
The European Commission has sent the UK a letter of formal notice for breaching obligations following from the withdrawal agreement ...
New restrictions in England has caused increased fissures in the UK conservative party as Prime Minister Boris Johnson's administration tries ...
The UK government department that oversees immigration has lost a case at the appeal stage and found to have unlawfully ...
Emergency legislation protecting renters from eviction through a six month notice period ended Monday. Court cases involving eviction proceedings can ...
A UK investigation has revealed that thousands of apartments in high-rise buildings could be wrapped in flammable materials. New safety ...
Calls have mounted for a UK Cabinet Office Briefing Room meeting – commonly referred to as COBRA – for more ...
According to data from the Office for National Statistics, 62 percent of adults resumed traveling to work in the UK ...
French Minister of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune warned Thursday against overreacting to the UK's negotiation tactics and ending ...
An investigation by the Huffington Post UK edition has revealed how anti-Muslim sentiments are prevalent in the country's National Health ...
Numbers of Covid-19 infections are accelerating throughout the general population in England, reaching more than 3,000 new cases on Friday. ...
Amid the backdrop of the UK and EU negotiating process, an agreement was struck between British and Japanese ministers Friday. ...
Negotiations on a UK-EU trade deal hang in the balance over the UK's plan to override part of the withdrawal ...
A new report from Citizens UK has found that women are three times more likely to be threatened with sexual ...
More than 200 migrants in 18 small boats were intercepted off the Kent coast by the UK Border Force on ...
German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz warned today that the latest signals from the UK do not raise hopes that an ...
West Midlands police have launched a murder investigation after a series of stabbings in Birmingham city centre left one man dead, two ...