Sunday, October 6, 2024

Alexander De Croo News

Alexander De Croo

Alexander De Croo, a politician and businessman from Belgium born on November 3, 1975, has been the prime minister of Belgium since October 2020. Belgium does not have a position titled "Belgian President"; instead, it has a Prime Minister who serves as the head of government.Read more
De Croo earned a bachelor's degree in business engineering from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a master's degree in business administration from Northwestern University in the US. Alexander De Croo was raised in Vilvoorde, Flemish Brabant. His experience working at Boston Consulting Group preceded the launch of Darts-ip in 2006. Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Open VLD) is a political party in Belgium that De Croo became involved with and was chairman of from 2009 until 2012. De Croo was a vice prime minister of Belgium from 2012 until 2020, during the administrations of Elio Di Rupo, Charles Michel, and Sophie Wilmès.

The responsibilities of Alexander De Croo as deputy prime minister included serving as minister of pensions from 2012 to 2014, minister of development cooperation from 2014 to 2020, and minister of finance from 2018 to 2020. The De Croo Government was established on 1 October 2020, with De Croo serving as Belgian PM to succeed Wilmès' minority government.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo sees European unity as a solution. He prioritises problem-solving and supports EU projects like the COVID-19 Recovery Fund, the Rule of Law, and energy security. Prime Minister De Croo’s worldwide advocacy includes opposing Russian aggression in Ukraine. De Croo's political principles include constructive engagement in European politics, future roles in Europe, and domestic coalition stability. The Belgian PM is a veteran in the world of politics, having a father who once held a position. His many roles have earned him his current position.


Alexander De Croo is born in Vilvoorde, Belgium.


Alexander De Croo graduates as an engineer from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with a master's degree in Electromechanical Engineering.


Alexander De Croo completes an MBA at the Kellogg School of Management in the United States.


Alexander De Croo enters politics and becomes a member of the Open VLD (Flemish Liberal Party).


Alexander De Croo is elected to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, representing the constituency of Flemish Brabant.


Alexander De Croo is appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Pensions in the government led by Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo.


Following the resignation of Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo, De Croo continues as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecom, and Postal Services in the government led by Prime Minister Charles Michel.


Alexander De Croo is re-elected to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives in the federal elections.


Alexander De Croo becomes Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Development Cooperation in the government led by Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès.


Alexander De Croo is sworn in as the Prime Minister of Belgium, leading a coalition government formed by seven parties.


Alexander De Croo plays a key role in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium, implementing various measures to contain the spread of the virus and mitigate its socio-economic impact.


Alexander De Croo's government works on climate policies, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Alexander De Croo continues to lead Belgium as Prime Minister, focusing on various domestic and international issues such as economic recovery, climate change, and geopolitical challenges.

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Belgium announced in a press release on 6 April 2023 that the second North Sea Summit is going to be held in Ostend on 24 April, with Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten inviting leaders and energy ministers from Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, and the UK. Read more
The summit aims to explore the North Sea's energy potential, aiming to make it Europe's largest power source by 2050. It follows the first summit in Esbjerg, Denmark, where a declaration was made to quadruple offshore power capacity to 150 GW by 2050.

Belgium announced a new aid package totalling 92 million EUR for Ukraine on May 12, 2023, derived from additional tax revenue on frozen Russian assets in Belgium. The package, aimed at supporting Ukraine amid its counteroffensive against Russia, is to be split evenly between military support and aid for the Ukrainian people, including humanitarian assistance and reconstruction efforts. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo emphasised Belgium's ongoing support for Ukraine, highlighting the importance of the success of the counter-offensive. The aid reflects Belgium's commitment to Ukraine's defence, civilian support, and the pursuit of justice for war crimes through the International Criminal Court.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva discussed the Belgian and global economies on December 8, 2023, in Brussels. They acknowledged Belgium's resilience against economic shocks thanks to effective policies and emphasised the importance of pursuing growth-enhancing reforms and rebuilding fiscal space. The conversation also covered Ukraine, highlighting its membership in the Belgium-Dutch Constituency at the IMF.


Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo addressed the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic on May 18, 2021, at the Summit on Financing African Economies, highlighting the disparity between developed and developing economies in their recovery efforts. De Croo emphasised Belgium's commitment to global recovery, pledging increased financial assistance to low-income countries and advocating for debt relief coupled with good governance, human rights, and the rule of law.Read more
He stressed the importance of objective debt relief and the role of private sector involvement in sustainable development in Africa, stating, "Without the rule of law and without human rights, no productive economy is possible."

A speech by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 20, 2023, highlighted advances in renewable energy and the potential peak in carbon emissions by 2025 and expressed optimism regarding global progress, particularly education and access to clean drinking water. He emphasised the importance of the green transition and industry's role in climate solutions, announcing Europe's focus on a New Industrial Deal and partnerships, especially between Europe and Africa, for a sustainable future. One significant quote from his speech says, “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights remains the spinal cord of all human rights treaties and instruments.”

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez delivered a statement emphasising solidarity and humanity amidst the conflict on 24 November 2023 at the Rafah border crossing. De Croo condemned the barbaric actions of Hamas, urged for the immediate release of all innocent hostages, and called for an end to violence, emphasising Israel's right to defend its citizens while stressing the need for military operations to respect international humanitarian law. De Croo noted the urgent need for aid delivery to Gaza, thanking Egypt for its efforts and underscoring Belgium's increased humanitarian aid. He advocated for a political solution to the conflict, the cessation of settler violence in the West Bank, and respect for international humanitarian law, expressing hope for a peace conference and a permanent ceasefire. "The talks need to be relaunched," De Croo stated, highlighting the essential path towards peace and the critical role of volunteers in delivering humanitarian aid.

The Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, highlighted the importance of integrating ecology and economy in the transition to a green economy at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai on December 2, 2023. He called for action and solutions, highlighting Belgium's commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency as part of the EU's goals. De Croo underscored the necessity of international partnerships, particularly with Africa, to leverage its solar potential. He concluded with optimism, stating, "We can meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement. The solutions are in front of us, but we have to scale them up."

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo outlined Belgium's EU presidency priorities: protecting citizens, especially in light of the Ukraine conflict; strengthening the EU economy with new climate policies; and preparing for the EU's future by addressing expansion and internal processes at the LSE event hosted by the European Institute on January 26, 2024. De Croo highlighted the need for internal improvement before expansion, stating, "We as Europeans, before we get bigger, we need to get better." He advocated for continued UK-EU collaboration post-Brexit, highlighting shared democratic values and economic challenges.

Who is Alexander De Croo?

Alexander De Croo is the incumbent Prime Minister of Belgium. Alexander De Croo, born on November 3, 1975, in Vilvoorde, Belgium. Belgium’s PM is married to Annik Penders, and they have 2 children. Alexander De Croo is the son of politician Herman De Croo and Françoise Desguin. Alexander De Croo earned a degree in Business Engineering from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 1998 and completed an MBA at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management in 2004. De Croo was a project leader at Boston Consulting Group before entering politics in 2006. He founded Darts-ip in 2006, a company serving intellectual property professionals.

Alexander De Croo, a political rookie, won almost 47,000 votes in the 2009 European elections. He declared his candidacy for Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open VLD) president on October 26, seeking to succeed Guy Verhofstadt. De Croo fought Marino Keulen and Gwendolyn Rutten with Vincent Van Quickenborne and Patricia Ceysens. The political newcomer won the presidency on December 12 with 11,676 second-round votes versus Keulen’s 9,614. His triumph was astonishing, given his lack of political experience. 


Alexander De Croo biography is illustrated in the table below.

Personal Information of Alexander De Croo
Full Name Alexander De Croo
Birthday November 3, 1975
Spouse Annik Penders
Number of Children 2
Position Prime Minister of Belgium
Political Party Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats
Education Vrije Universiteit Brussel (MSc) Northwestern University (MBA)
Position Term Preceded by Succeeded by
Prime Minister of Belgium October 2020 - Present Sophie Wilmès
Minister Of Finance December 2018 - October 2020 Johan Van Overtveldt Vincent Van Peteghem
Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium October 2012 - October 2020 Vincent Van Quickerborne Vincent Van Quickerborne
Minister of Pensions October 2012 - October 2014 Vincent Van Quickerborne Daniel Bacquelaine
Minister of Pensions October 2012 - October 2014 Vincent Van Quickerborne Daniel Bacquelaine
Minister of Development Cooperation October 2014 - October 2020 Jean-Pascal Labille [fr]
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats Leader December 2009 - October 2012 Guy Verhofstadt (Acting) Guy Verhofstadt (Acting)

What is the Political Party of Alexander De Croo?

The political party of Alexander De Croo is the Open Flemish Liberal and Democrats. De Croo started entering politics in 2009. Alexander De Croo runs as a candidate in the 2009 European elections. Alexander De Croo entered the race for the leadership of the Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open VLD) on October 26, aiming to succeed the interim leader, Guy Verhofstadt. He joined forces with Vincent Van Quickenborne and Patricia Ceysens to compete against candidates Marino Keulen and Gwendolyn Rutten. De Croo emerged victorious, securing the presidency with 11,676 votes against Keulen’s 9,614 in a closely contested second round of voting on December 12. His election captured attention due to his relatively brief political career up to that point.

Alexander De Croo threatened to withdraw from the coalition government five months into his tenure as party leader. The Open VLD party followed through on such a threat, leaving the government after the set deadline, prompting Yves Leterme to resign. King Albert II sanctioned the decision on April 26, 2010. De Croo garnered nearly 301,000 votes in the 2010 Senate elections, marking him the third-highest vote-getter in a Dutch-speaking constituency, and he remained in office until October 22, 2012.

De Croo assumed the positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Pensions in Di Rupo’s government on October 22, 2012, following Van Quickenborn’s resignation to become Mayor of Kortrijk. Gwendolyn Rutten assumed the presidency of his Open VLD in December.

Alexander De Croo remained Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecommunications, and Postal Services in Michel I’s government after the 2014 Belgian federal elections. His efforts included stopping official development funding to Burundi in 2015 owing to violent protests and offering €25 million to cure Sleeping Sickness in Africa by 2025. 

De Croo co-founded “She Decides” to protest US Mexico City policies. He became Minister of Finance after the N-VA withdrew from the UN’s Global Compact on Migration in the minority Michel II government. Belgian PM raised €780 million for women’s rights as #SheIsEqualAt the Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100 Concert in December 2018. He oversaw the Brussels airline bailout and coronavirus crisis financial stimulus under Sophie Wilmès. De Croo succeeded Wilmès as Prime Minister on September 30, 2020, leading Vivaldi, the Belgian government.

What is the Official Title of Alexander De Croo?

The official title of Alexander De Croo is that of the incumbent Prime Minister of Belgium. Alexander De Croo, a Belgian politician and businessman, has been Prime Minister of Belgium since October 2020. The Prime Minister of Belgium held various positions throughout his political career.   

Some of Alexander De Croo’s official titles are listed below.

  • Leader of Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Open VLD) (December 2009-October 2012: Alexander De Croo first entered politics in 2009 by participating in the European elections. He got over 47,000 votes. De Croo announced his candidacy for Open Flemish Liberal Democratic Party (Open VLD) leader on October 26, succeeding temporary leader Guy Verhofstadt.
  • Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and Minister of Pensions (October 2012-October 2014): De Croo succeeded Van Quickenborn as Di Rupo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Pensions on 22 October 2012 after he resigned to become Kortrijk’s mayor. Gwendolyn Rutten became Open VLD president in December.
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecommunications and Postal Services (October 2014-October 2020): Mr De Croo was named Minister of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecommunications, and Postal Services, with Daniel Baclaine taking over as Minister of Pension. The administration took office on October 11, 2014. 
  • Minister of Finance from (December 2018-October 2020): De Croo succeeded Johann van Overtveldt as Minister of Finance.
  • Prime Minister of Belgium (October 2020-present): The King appointed Alexander De Croo and Paul Magnette (PS) to establish a government on September 23, 2020. It was declared on 30 September 2020 that De Croo was to succeed Wilmès as the prime minister of France.

What are the Important News about Alexander De Croo?

The important news about Alexander De Croo is listed below.

  • Deputy Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and UN Environment Chief Erik Solheim signed a deal to collaborate on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2016. They discussed Belgium’s environmental priorities and the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Charter, emphasising the importance of partnerships, innovation, and a green economy for sustainable development. Belgium, a significant contributor to the UN Environment, reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the 2030 Agenda, highlighting the importance of environmental management.
  • Prime Minister Alexander De Croo met with representatives of Belgium’s Jewish community to discuss concerns following renewed violence in the Middle East. He expressed sympathy for the victims in Israel and condemned the violence, stating it impedes peace and security in the region. The meeting addressed the security of Jewish institutions in Belgium, with De Croo emphasising the country’s commitment to ensuring the safety of all citizens, including Jewish residents, and rejecting anti-Semitism and intolerance.
  • Prime Minister Alexander De Croo attended the second Summit for Democracy 2023, hosted by US President Joe Biden, focusing on strengthening democratic institutions, combating corruption, and defending human rights globally. The summit addressed challenges to democracy, such as power abuse, electoral fraud, and censorship, highlighting their impact on human rights and civil liberties. The event gathered leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to discuss solutions and strategies.
  • Prime Minister Alexander De Croo reaffirmed Belgium’s support for Ukraine in its fight for freedom, emphasising the delivery of essential materials to assist in the ongoing conflict and expressing solidarity with the Ukrainian people and their sovereignty. Belgium has committed 8 million EUR to support the Ukrainian armed forces with non-lethal aid through NATO’s Comprehensive Assistance Package Trust Fund following a NATO summit decision. The aid includes first aid kits, winter clothing, and potentially other materials like night vision goggles, with Belgian companies eligible for public tenders. 
  • Prime Minister Alexander De Croo welcomed the Brexit agreement announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier, emphasising the need to protect Belgium’s economic interests and prevent unfair British competition. The Belgian PM highlighted the importance of the ‘Brexit Adjustment Reserve,’ a five billion euro support fund to aid the most affected countries and industries, and expressed gratitude towards Barnier and von der Leyen for their efforts. De Croo sees the agreement as a foundation for building a strong future relationship with the UK.

What are the Political Ideas of Alexander De Croo?

Alexander De Croo advocates for gender equality in the workplace and society through his book, emphasizing the liberation it brings to men as well as women. He champions women’s leadership in political and business spheres, proposing quotas for women in leadership roles to ensure gender balance. De Croo’s political ideas reflect a commitment to gender equality, which is essential for a balanced and fair society, and he actively supports initiatives like the She Decides movement to advance these goals.

Alexander De Croo expresses concern over foreign influences on Belgian democracy, highlighting China as a potentially hostile power. He reacts to allegations of Chinese espionage within Belgium, emphasising the importance of safeguarding democracy and the sensitivity of defence-related parliamentary committees. De Croo’s stance underscores the necessity of vigilance against attempts to destabilise or infiltrate democratic institutions, reflecting his broader political ideas focused on national security and the integrity of democratic processes.

Alexander De Croo, as the Belgian Prime Minister, has been active in European discussions, championing European integration. The Belgium President emphasised Europe as a solution, not a problem, in a 2021 address. He advocates for the EU’s COVID-19 Recovery Fund, Rule of Law, and energy security, supporting Eastern European countries against Russian aggression. His engagement in international and European matters fuels speculation about future roles in Europe. His immediate focus remains on leading Belgium’s Vivaldi coalition.