BRUSSELS (Brussels Morning) – One skill is not the other. Some we can master right away, for others we just have to put in a little more effort. But giving up is not an option, because these skills will come in handy sooner or later.
9. Night owl or early bird
Whether you work until the middle of the night, or go to bed at eight. It is important to get your sleep completely under control. And you do that by developing a fixed sleeping ritual. A sleep schedule can help you with that. You fall asleep more easily and you wake up well rested.
10. Dare to ask for help
Many people see it as a sign of weakness, or incompetence. But those who dare to ask for help are usually seen as a better worker. You show that you value others, which gives you more respect for yourself.
11. A real go-getter
A real go-getter achieves his goals, and often just a little more. When you’ve reached the top, don’t give up just yet, work just a little harder to stay at that top.
12. A good pair of ears
Your colleague quickly briefs you about an ongoing project. Your boss gives instructions for a meeting. One day you get to hear a lot and if you don’t listen actively, you lose valuable information. So learn to listen carefully to others. A tip: repeat in your head what you just heard.
13. Don’t get on the gossip train
When all your coworkers are gossiping about the boss, it’s hard not to go along with it. Nevertheless, it is best to make it clear that you prefer not to hear that gossip. That way you always stay out of harm’s way.
14.Thoughts in a row
To get to the top, you have to get everything right. You are the product of past experiences on which your thinking is based. But remember: the future is not the past.
15. Public Speaker
It instills fear in many people: speaking in front of an audience. But you can do something about it. It’s just a matter of practice so keep practicing.
16. You are only human
Admitting a mistake is not easy. But hey, you’re only human. Everybody makes mistakes. People who can admit their mistakes are much quicker to learn from them. And that’s the point of making mistakes.