Belgium, (Brussels Morning) This week, MEPs convene during committee and political group meetings in Brussels, featuring debates on gender equality, the energy transition, the Uber files and the transport of goods between Ukraine and Moldova. Parliament is also set to discuss Intelligent Transport Systems and a number of MEPs will travel to Mozambique for 42th African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Assembly.
Gender Equality Week
At the initiative of the Women’s Rights Committee, Parliament holds its third European Gender Equality Week, from Monday until Thursday. Several committees are organising debates with a gender perspective to discuss policy shortcomings and achievements, and how to advance women’s rights in all EU policy areas.
EU energy transition
On Tuesday, the Budgets and Economic Affairs committees will vote to amend the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility rules to integrate the financing of REPowerEU actions into existing National Recovery and Resilience Plans. REPowerEU is the EU’s plan to reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels and accelerate the green transition.
Uber files, lobbying and workers’ rights
The Employment and Social Affairs Committee is organising a public hearing, on Tuesday, on the so-called “Uber files”, lobbying and workers’ rights. Uber whistleblower and former Head of Public Policy Mark MacGann, Uber EU Public Policy Director Zuzana Púčiková and former Uber driver and founder of Uber Drivers’ Trade Union Brahim Ben Ali are among the invited speakers.
Ukraine and Moldova
On Wednesday, the Transport Committee will vote on an agreement between the EU, Ukraine and Moldova to facilitate the cross-border transport of goods by road. The agreement with Ukraine also provides for the recognition of Ukrainian driving licenses and certificates of professional competence.
Intelligent transport systems
The Transport Committee will vote, on Wednesday, on an update to EU rules on Intelligent transport systems (ITS) to improve transport digitalisation. ITS apply information and communication technologies, for example journey planners or the eCall system, to make mobility safer, more efficient and more comfortable.
World Press Photo
On Wednesday, Parliament will host an event, at the new Info Hub on the Esplanade Solidarność, by the World Press Photo Foundation, part of the “ICONIC” series, on the safety for journalists.
42nd ACP-UE Assembly
The 42nd session of the ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly, which brings together MEPs and parliamentarians from 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, will meet in Maputo, Mozambique, from Saturday to Wednesday, November 2. The consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine on food security and the fight against terrorism in sub-Saharan Africa are among the topics to be discussed.